Frequently Asked Questions

  • At this time I am only offering telehealth sessions

  • Yes, I accept several in-network and out-of-network insurances as well as HSAs and private pay.

    If I do not accept your insurance, I can provide a superbill after each session to help you request reimbursement for your sessions from your health insurance. Clients can also request to set up an account on Thrizer to skip the insurance wait and instead receive instant insurance reimbursements. Reimbursements are subject to your policy’s out-of-network coverage

    Cost per session without insurance: $175

  • I am licensed to practice psychotherapy in Massachusetts, Washington, and Arizona. You must be located in one of these states during the time of our sessions

    Boston, Seattle, and Phoenix all have some of the top fertility clinics, but most don't have their own in-house infertility therapists. Please reach out if you need support!

  • Yes. My daughter was conceived with IVF treatment. I always knew “it takes a village” to raise a child, but I hadn’t known how much of the village I would need to get pregnant. And I’m grateful for that help every day.

  • How has your treatment been impacting you? Do you feel comfortable asking questions and talking to your treatment team? Have you explored what made you want to be a parent? And what it would mean to you if you could or could not have a genetic/biological child?

    There is a lot to unpack here to help you make the decisions that are right for you. Please reach out if you’d like my support.

  • Guilty. Therapy involves a lot of self-exploration. I don’t have all the answers but I believe I can help you find what you need to be mindful with your decisions.

  • The name was inspired by The Empress tarot card. This card represents motherly energy, creativity, fertility, love, and connectedness. The card often has an image of a pregnant woman on it. I like to think The Empress will guide us to be nurturing, both to ourselves and to others.

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